
You Belong Even If You Aren’t Divorced


The seven-letter word that has destroyed the lives of many people.

Husbands and wives, children, parents, partners, and friends… no one is exempt from the devastating aftermath of a divorce.

That’s why I’m doing this.

You don’t have to be divorced to be here.

You don’t need to have the title of “divorcee” to belong here.

You belong even if the closest thing you have to the dreaded “D” word, is if your neighbor went through a divorce in 2012.

My point is, you belong if you WANT to belong.

I finally got to a point where I was tired of this never-ending search for “belonging” that I decided to create it.

I stopped trying to fit myself into this box where I could label myself as something for the simple sake of belonging.

And so I don’t care if you’re “labeled” as divorced or not. I’m gonna talk about pain, trauma, betrayal, hurt, healing, joy, love, abuse, blame, shame, and more.

If you’re acquainted with any of those topics, I hope you can allow yourself to learn what the words are there to teach you.

Divorcees, You Are Not Alone

Now to my divorcees, you are my big fat WHY.

The thing anyone will tell anyone in life is that you have to have a “why” for the things you do.

And so you beautiful human, yes YOU, I love you and YOU are the reason you’re reading this today. This blog and website were made for you.

For 13 months of my life, I was slowly beaten down verbally, emotionally, and physically into a person I couldn’t recognize. I didn’t know where to turn to for help. I was so alone, lost, and afraid… I felt like I was the only person in the world going through this painful reality.

It was through that pain that I stumbled upon a Pinterest image that filled my heart and soul with the most simple, yet comforting words, “you are not alone.”

This led me to search the depths of Pinterest and Instagram. I found quotes of comfort, posts of fellow divorced women, podcasts on moving forward after divorce, etc.

But the jackpot for me was a pretty outdated blog for women who were divorced in their twenties.

I found my tribe… well kind of.

This blog was more of a ghost town…you know the kind of place where there once was a lot happening, but all that remained were words, images, a rich history, and a mysterious vibe?

This blog screamed of wonder and hope.

I felt the comfort it promised. I felt a connection to the stories, but I still felt alone. The women behind this blog had grown up and moved on. They were in their 30’s now and were seemingly “healed”. It felt as if I was left behind in the ghost town to make something with the remains.

Why am I going on about this? 

Because I’m doing this for the girl who arrived to that town needing support, love, a hand to hold, and a guru who was going to reassure her that it was all going to be okay… only to find that she was a few years late to the party.

I am creating this for the person who needs the comfort that I was searching for.

I’m doing it for YOU.

I’m Calling It Divorceville

You can end your search now.

You have arrived at the bustling town of… well I don’t know what to call it, maybe “Divorceville” haha is that dumb?

Regardless of this town’s name, it’s a community, a tribe, a home.

Words are powerful.

Community is necessary.

I am devoting my life from here on out to help as many women to find their passion, fire, heart, soul, and self again, post-divorce.

Wouldn’t you agree that life-altering events have a way of rerouting the course you’re on? So rather than be heartbroken and paralyzed for the rest of eternity, we are getting you out of Misery Camp and into Divorceville. (I’m over naming towns and camps now haha!)

I’m dedicated to making this a home for you. I hope that the tears dried to your face have purpose and hope in them.

In the end, use this website to your heart’s content. Let the words fill your soul. And if you need help, support, love, a hand to hold, or a guru, fill out the contact form, and we’ll chat. You don’t need to do this alone.

xoxo, aubs

life after divorce