From the collection of anonymous stories written by this community

To submit your own stories or letters for a chance to be featured in the Collective, send us an email!

Disclaimer: From time to time, my stories will be mixed in with the stories of others, these are intended for the purpose of helping others to feel less alone on their journey. Stories are my own and all names (if any) have been changed for anonymity purposes.

The title to a journal entry from June 17, 2019

If you’re divorced and are seeking for hope, I promise it’s there.

If you ever need someone to talk to or help through your divorce or heart-ache, please reach out.

There is hope. 

“2 years ago. I went through with a decision that changed my life forever.

2 years ago I was married.

2 years ago I saw no other choice but to stay.

2 years ago I was hopeful.

2 years ago I was naive, immature, and caring.

The level at which I loved was deep

And 2 years later, my life is drastically different.

2 years later and I’m single—but happier than ever.

2 years later and I do things based on my wants, needs, and desires.

2 years later and I recognize I have a choice and a voice.

2 years later and days of despair and hopelessness, I’m hopeful but for a different reason.

2 years later and I’m strong, independent, compassionate, and beautiful. 

I love with boundaries.

These 2 images represent a transformation of a shattered woman.

To me, these images aren’t the same person. The girl on the left is scared, regretting, a puppet, and voiceless.

The girl on the right is bursting with joy, wrinkled eyes from laughter, beaming with light, and strong.

Instead of dwelling on the heartache that today could bring, I’m celebrating that life for me is now full of FREEDOM!! Does it hurt? Absolutely. Will it get easier? I expect it will. Is it easier 2 years later? 1000 times yes!

I walked through a fire and lost my identity to someone who was incapable of caring. I was shattered and broken.

I have a few broken pieces still trying to work their way into the puzzle, but all in all, I’m so proud of the woman I’ve become and I’m so happy she’s smiling once more.” .

Xoxo, Aubs

To submit an anonymous letter or story of your own, send us an email!